Archivi del mese: ottobre 2012

Astral Weeks

van morrison - astral weeks
Considerato che in effetti credo di aver bisogno di un pò di ulteriore esercizio linguistico, ho un simpatico test di proficiency da preparare, credo che proverò a rinforzare la mia difficoltà con i saggi o in generale scrittura generalmente argomentata qui. Sta sera sono in umore da Van Morrison. Astral Weeks is a beautiful record I’ve know for a while now, and bumped into again a few days ago in the shape of the cheapest cd ever. It’s always a huge thrill for me to purchase an original album, I go back to being a child handling a very small yet precious gift that I would hardly expect to hold. It’s hard to describe the impact the music has on me, or the lyrics, but I think it’s perfectly suiting a period of life we most probably have experienced at some point. It’s the tunes, the guitar chords or the violins and those two words: Astral Weeks. It could be any year, every place, anyone, it’s perfectly ageless.

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